Cape Town Cycle Tour - Checklist
The Cape Town Cycle Tour takes place on the 10th of October 2021. here are some tips, guidelines and necessities that you need to have with you on the bike for race day.
Have your bicycle checked over by your local bike shop. You don't want to start a 106km event with gears slipping and brakes not working. Your local bike shop should also be able to advise on whether or not you need new tyres.
Eat healthy and normal the week before, don't try to carbo-load the night before. If you don't often carbo-load, you might just upset your stomach and end up being really uncomfortable on the bike. When we say eat normal, we mean a good healthy plate of food a night with the focus being on dinner. A good mixture is some vegetables, rice, steak(if you eat meat) with a nice dessert.
When it comes to race day, try to eat between 1.5hours and 1hour before your start time to avoid a full unprocessed belly which will cause some discomfort on the bike.
- 1 to 2 bicycle tubes that are correct for your bicycle
- puncture repair kit
- bicycle hand pump
- tyre levers (some road tyres are extremely difficult to take off)
- a mobile cell phone
- a multitool
On the bike gear:
Racetec chip: This contains all essential information including medical history and emergency contacts.
Official race number.
At least one water bottle
Cycling Gloves. Short finger cycling gloves are handy if you need your fingertips open in order to feel items in your jersey back pocket. Long finger cycling gloves are mostly used in colder weather and on mountain bikes but can also be used for the Cape Town Cycle Tour for added comfort.
Cycling jersey with pockets for extra snacks and spares.
An undervest or cycling Gillet depending on the weather on the day of your race.
Cycling shorts or bib shorts is a must-have! It's a long day in the saddle and you want as much comfort as possible. We also recommend having a bike fit done if you have a bit of discomfort on your bike.
A good pair of cycling shoes with a good strong footbed.
During the race:
Don't start too fast, respect your fellow cyclists and point out hazards on the road.
Most of all have fun and enjoy the scenery.
Contact the Gear Change if you have any questions.